Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My Masterpieces

One of my son's came home the other day with a notice saying that his artwork was being displayed at our local community's art show. "Wonderful!" I told him. One thing that was particularly cool to this show, was that it was at our baseball stadium, which I love very much. Not really because I love baseball, in fact I really don't even like baseball - too much downtime and not enough action, but because I love the feel of the community coming together to watch a game. I think I feel a greater sense of general community enjoyment at baseball games than at any other sporting event I have attended - maybe because of all the downtime.

Anyway... I was excited to go and celebrate his accomplishment with him as our family went to the art show. It was a particularly busy day (it always is - maybe because we had an art show to go to...) and we went straight from school to the art show so we could fit it all in. My oldest had been telling me over and over that he too had a piece of artwork on display. I had not seen a paper about it and rather absently had said, "great". On our way to the show he again asserted that he was being showcased as well. "I haven't seen a note about it, but I believe you," I said. "Here it is!" he said pulling it out of his backpack. "Wonderful!" I said.

Now this is something that bears reflection for just a minute. Frequently, I have notices coming home at vastly different times from my two boys who attend the same school. Sometimes they are like a week apart, yet they are regarding the same event (as in this instance). Boggles my mind a bit. Am I alone in this?

Back to the art. I love that my kids love art. I love art. I love art shows and art museums and enjoying the beautiful things that people can create. It is a divine quality, creation. As I looked at my kids, and took their pictures by their masterpieces, I realized that I was also taking pictures of my masterpieces.

(a striking resemblance!)

(His artwork is above him, a "seascape" it is called)

I have been reflecting on this lately, what are my talents and what "masterpiece" do I have to offer the world? I have jokingly called myself a renaissance woman, not particularly good at anything but having an average ability at several things. That is my cop-out, I guess. At least so it felt to me. While I am a great admirer of others' talents, great works of art, beautiful symphonies, gardens, homes, culinary excellence, etc. I felt that I didn't really have that "thing" that I could claim as my masterpiece offering to the world, and I really wanted that. I too want to give something great, rather than always enjoying the greatness of others.

Then, when I took these pictures, I realized that these are my offerings. My masterpieces. I put everything I have into them. It is the one thing that is worth devoting all my time and energy too. That I throw myself into without restraint and that I practice at 24/7 with an unparalleled desire to achieve perfection. They really are my magnum opus.

My masterpieces are my children.


  1. Love this post, Jesica. They are most definitely your masterpieces.

  2. And what cute masterpieces! I often feel much the same way about my talents and gifts. I had never thought of my children as my masterpieces. Thanks for giving me something to think about... :)

    We are coming up this weekend and will be there for a week. We will have to plan something. :)
