Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My Masterpieces

One of my son's came home the other day with a notice saying that his artwork was being displayed at our local community's art show. "Wonderful!" I told him. One thing that was particularly cool to this show, was that it was at our baseball stadium, which I love very much. Not really because I love baseball, in fact I really don't even like baseball - too much downtime and not enough action, but because I love the feel of the community coming together to watch a game. I think I feel a greater sense of general community enjoyment at baseball games than at any other sporting event I have attended - maybe because of all the downtime.

Anyway... I was excited to go and celebrate his accomplishment with him as our family went to the art show. It was a particularly busy day (it always is - maybe because we had an art show to go to...) and we went straight from school to the art show so we could fit it all in. My oldest had been telling me over and over that he too had a piece of artwork on display. I had not seen a paper about it and rather absently had said, "great". On our way to the show he again asserted that he was being showcased as well. "I haven't seen a note about it, but I believe you," I said. "Here it is!" he said pulling it out of his backpack. "Wonderful!" I said.

Now this is something that bears reflection for just a minute. Frequently, I have notices coming home at vastly different times from my two boys who attend the same school. Sometimes they are like a week apart, yet they are regarding the same event (as in this instance). Boggles my mind a bit. Am I alone in this?

Back to the art. I love that my kids love art. I love art. I love art shows and art museums and enjoying the beautiful things that people can create. It is a divine quality, creation. As I looked at my kids, and took their pictures by their masterpieces, I realized that I was also taking pictures of my masterpieces.

(a striking resemblance!)

(His artwork is above him, a "seascape" it is called)

I have been reflecting on this lately, what are my talents and what "masterpiece" do I have to offer the world? I have jokingly called myself a renaissance woman, not particularly good at anything but having an average ability at several things. That is my cop-out, I guess. At least so it felt to me. While I am a great admirer of others' talents, great works of art, beautiful symphonies, gardens, homes, culinary excellence, etc. I felt that I didn't really have that "thing" that I could claim as my masterpiece offering to the world, and I really wanted that. I too want to give something great, rather than always enjoying the greatness of others.

Then, when I took these pictures, I realized that these are my offerings. My masterpieces. I put everything I have into them. It is the one thing that is worth devoting all my time and energy too. That I throw myself into without restraint and that I practice at 24/7 with an unparalleled desire to achieve perfection. They really are my magnum opus.

My masterpieces are my children.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fieldtrip of Dreams

My daughter had a fieldtrip last week to a place called Baby Acres. If that doesn't sound like a little girl's dream, I don't know what does. Heck, I was excited to go to Baby Acres - acres of baby animals, what's not to like?!?
We went there last week on Friday and that week we were barraged with rain. I mentioned it in my last post, all the rain. Friday was our first not raining day. It wasn't warm, but it was sunny, so no complaints from me. The farm was definately wet, and in acticipation we wore our best wet weather farm shoes. Mine were some thick soled loafer type shoes and she wore her winter boots. As a result I have been on the look out for galoshes for the both of us. But, I digress... Back to the rain, because it was wet, windy, and cold (although sunny, I don't want you to forget that we did have sun) we were quicky ushered into the animal barn to stay warm while we waited for the rest of our "preschool friends" as they are called, to arrive.
First we saw a ewe and her three lambs. Twins happen from time to time, but triplets are unusual. I immediately felt sympathy for this mother careing for three little lambs.

There were also goats. In the back corner there is a mother goat with her two kids who were only three days old, one was a billy goat and one was a nanny. They were absolutely darling. In the front here we have a goat named Marshmellow who was about to go into labor at any time.

Two holstein calves were also in the barn and they were darling as well, although they were pretty skittish. I wonder why, there were only about 20 little girls trying to pet them....

After looking at the animals in their stalls we went to the straw bales that were opposite the animals. My Daughter wanted her picture taken and then posed like this:

I was pretty surprised and not sure what she was doing, but dutifully took the picture. Afterwards she informed me that she was being a "kitty". I bet you can tell what she is being in this next photo:

If you said a puppy, you are right. I have no idea where she gets these ideas... she is such a funny girl. Then her friend came over and I took a picture of them together. This is probably her best preschool friend and she is a very sweet girl.

Another friend wanted a picture too. So, here is another one of my daughter's good friends.

Pretty soon all the preschoolers were invited to sit on the straw while the owners came in and talked about all the animals. It was great and I .... er my daughter loved it. It was fun to see how excited she was. She knew every animal, what the male and female names were for each one, and the proper names for their babys. I was very proud, wonder where she learned all that?

Then came a super exciting part. One of the owners asked for volunteers to bottle feed two of their lambs. One lamb was taking most of the milk and was much bigger than the other two. So, they supplemented with bottle feedings for those other two lambs. My daughter so wanted to feed one of these lambs. She held her hand up high and hoped as the owner chanted, "Eeny, meeny, miney, moe..." and she was picked!!

She was in heaven!!

And that lamb was starving!! It drank that whole bottle in about ten seconds!!

I love this picture and how it captured how tickled she was to have that experience!

Then the kids all came down to the first row of straw bales and they were able to have a turn holding or petting various baby animals. Here is she is petting a piglet.

Now, we had both been looking forward to this field trip. There was one baby animal in particular that she was hoping to get to hold. Can you guess? This smile gives it away.

Next we have a baby chick on a paper towel - these farmers are very smart!

Here is a baby bunny. I am starting to feel an Easter theme here...

Now is when it got hard for me. I love animals and baby ones are just about irresistable. This little kid was so darn cute I could hardly stand it. I wanted to plop right down on the straw and take my turn. But, I exercised all the self control I have developed in my 30 years and settled for a gentle pat as he went by.

So, what about the mamas, right? Well, they were all going crazy while their babies were being passed around. The mama goat in particular. She was calling to her kids and they were calling right back.

This one was getting a bit ansy which brought a good giggle from the girls. All us moms got to thinking though, how would we feel if the tables were turned we were the ones in the pens and our three day old babies were being passed around to a bunch of preschool aged animals? We tried to comfort the mamas. I am happy to say that baby animals are very resiliant and they were all reunited with their mamas, safe and sound.

Then we went outside where everyone was given a chance to feed the animals.

And we loved it!

After the goats were fed, we enjoyed a hayride. It was the first one they had given all week due to the rain and we all felt very lucky!

Here is our brave driver.

This picture cracks me up. This is how photographing kids usually goes.

Here is a picture of everyone who attended the fieldtrip and I think the majority were there. Now you get to play where's Waldo and find the lone boy of the class. The teachers say in all there years of teaching they have never had a class like this. It was going to be all girls until one boy signed-up and his parents didn't mind that he would be the only one. My daughter loves being surrounded by girls.

It was a wonderful day and we had a wonderful time. As we were leaving, I told my daughter that this was not the first time she had come. We had gone several years ago, when she was about 18 months with my family when we were visiting. It was fun to go back to my facebook note and see the pictures of our visit back then. I have to say, Baby Acres is up there as one of my favorite local places to visit!

So long, until we meet again! We love you, Baby Acres!

(On a side note, I do fix my daughter's hair. She wanted it like that, just so you know, and it just wasn't worth the fight. And yes, she did pick out that shirt on purpose for Baby Acres. It is always very planned with her. Okay, thanks, I feel better now.)